Video Gallery – Rootwell Products Inc.
Welcome to the Rootwell Products, Inc. root watering system video gallery. Please browse through the videos below showing installation and scientific evidence of the benefits of our tree deep root watering system.
Rootwell – Royal Oak Field Study
In 1997, the City of Royal Oak, Michigan experienced a severe tree loss problem in Maudlin Park. After having lost a majority of their second set of tree plantings, the city asked Rootwell to test their subterrian root feeding system on three Bradford trees. Twelve years later, the results were amazing.
Introduction to Rootwell by ProArbor, Northern VA Tree Care
An introduction to Rootwell by ProArbor, Tree Care specialists of Northern VA. Rootwell aids in the growth of healthy trees and roots.
Rootwell Overview by ProArbor Tree Care, Virginia
ProArbor Tree Care specialists of Northern VA provide an overview of the Rootwell.
ProArbor Tree Service Drills Rootwell Hole
ProArbor Tree Service of Northern Virginia drills the hole to plant the Rootwell device for proper tree and root growth.
Rootwell installation by ProArbor of Northern VA
ProArbor Tree Care of Northern VA installing the Rootwell at the base of the tree.
Rootwell Walk-around, Northern VA Tree Service
ProArbor Northern VA Tree Service, provides a walk-around of the Rootwells installed in ground.
ProArbor explains Rootwell with Dr. John on PBS
ProArbor with Dr. John on PBS. Ferris Crilly explains Rootwell for healthy trees and roots.
Rootwell soil compaction solution with root aeration
Rootwell Convection Cap experiment showing the basic convection science that cooling air is heavier and constantly displaces warming air; actively exchanging oxygen into the trees critical root zone via the Rootwell system.
Introduction to the Rootwell
Introduction to the Rootwell deep water and aeration units. See a growing a world of difference including the Davey Tree Company’s 18-month study of Rootwell. See a growing world of difference.
Rootwell Davey Tree Scientific Study
Davey Tree Co conducted a study to determine the effectiveness of the Rootwell System and determined that the aeration combined with the deep root fertilization caused a 300% increase in root mass outside the planting pit.
The Rootwell in Action
Rootwell, better than tree watering bags, and the new standard in tree care.
Video Recap
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