Tree Care Articles for Homeowners and Landscapers
Proper tree care will lead to healthy, beautiful trees. The Rootwell deep root watering system improves soil conditions and promotes a deep, robust tree root system. Learn more about tree care so you can grow healthy trees. These informative articles are written by a certified arborist.
Tree Care: Landscaping
Prevent Dying Trees and Retain the Vision of a Great Landscape
Every landscape design has a vision behind it. That vision begins on paper with detailed and scaled drawings of every little piece of the landscape. It takes great artistic talent, good knowledge of the growing habits of plants and trees, and understanding of the conditions present on the land before the project begins.
Tree Care: Roots
Compost Tea and Rootwell Root Feeder System Instead of Chemical Fertilizer
Fertilizing trees with a root feeder system encourages both foliage and root growth, but is organic or chemical fertilization the best approach? As we become more aware of the environmental impact of using chemicals, many professional arborists and home gardeners prefer organic alternatives, such as compost tea.
When Planting Trees Choose Permeable Root Aeration Tubes
Landscape design specifications frequently call for root aeration tubes to be placed around trees where there will be challenges for root establishment and growth. After all, when planting trees you want to maximize the chances for healthy growth and long life.
Tree Care: Watering
Planting New Trees with Watering Bags Not as Beneficial as Root Aeration Tubes
When a tree is removed from the farm, its roots are bound in either a container or a burlap “ball.” This process removes as much as 95% of the root structure and forces the tree to live in a state of shock until it is finally placed in its new home. While waiting for its new home, it must be watered and fed in much the same way that a comatose patient in critical care is fed.
Promote Root Growth Despite Restricted Root Space
If your trees are dying off they may not have enough room for root growth. According to James Urban, an authority on trees in built-up areas, tree roots need room to grow. For example, a 20″ caliper tree requires 1,200 cubic feet of soil to thrive. The lack of room stunts the tree’s growth. He adds that soon a tree without ample space begins to die.
Sidewalk Tree Plantings with Rootwell
Sidewalk tree plantings are a needed feature in today’s urban city-scape. Commonly, tree wells are used; however, dimensional limits constrict root growth and inhibit tree longevity often resulting in dying trees.
Vertical Porous Cylinder Watering Channel
The rate of infiltration of water into the surface soil is responsible for the largest loss of rainwater in natural areas. Once the infiltration capacity of the soil has been reached, most of the rain will become surface runoff. The infiltration capacity of most soils allows low intensity water events to totally infiltrate, unless the soil voids become saturated or the underlying soil is much more compact than the top layer.
Watering Trees: Get the Water Off of the Shoulder, and Make the Roots Follow It
Case study of a tree watered with a watering bag. Learn why it is important to get water deep into the tree root zone and how to accomplish it with Pro-318.