3 Easy Heat Loving Flowers to Grow This Summer

3 Easy Heat Loving Flowers to Grow This Summer

Black eyed susans

Are you looking for an easy to grow flower that thrives in the heat?

For today’s article, we are looking at 3 different flowers that are heat and drought tolerate. With summer’s temperatures claiming the country, these are the perfect flowers to plant.

Not only are these flowers unaffected by the heat, they are also easy to grow making them a perfect addition to our Beginner Gardening Series. This is our weekly Wednesday series where we share only easy to grow or beginner tips. These Wednesday articles are to help turn any thumb green.

Now, let’s take a look at those 3 easy to grow heat loving flowers.

  1. Russian sage Russian Sage
    This perennial doesn’t just look beautiful in your borders, as a background to other flowers or as the main event. It also comes with a beautiful aroma. The flower blooms in the late summer. It’s drought tolerant as well as heat tolerant.

    For more information, check out our article called Easy to Grow Perennial – Russian Sage.

  2. Black eyed susans Black-Eyed Susans
    This classic American beauty is another heat loving and easy to grow flower. They are great for attracting butterflies to your garden.

    For more information on growing these little beauties don’t miss our article How to Plant Black-Eyed Susans.

  3. Blue salvia Salvia
    Here is a larger group of flowers that are a great addition for this list. Many of the different types of salvia love heat and are easy to grow. In particular, perennial sage is a really easy to grow and a heat loving perennial.

    To find out more please visit How to Grow Perennial Sage for Beginners.


Being new to gardening doesn’t mean you can’t have a beautiful garden. With a little help, your garden can be the envy of the neighborhood. Any of the flowers above are great additions and have a lot to offer.

What is your biggest gardening struggle? We would love to help, so let us know in the comment section below.

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