3 Vegetables to Start from Seed

Cabbage seedling

Do you live in the Southwest of the county?

Are you looking to grow from fresh vegetables?

First, if you live in the southwest, let me start off by admitting – I’m jealous. As the wind nips at my nose and the once beautiful white snow turns to brown mush; I admit I wish that I lived in the south.

Nonetheless, it’s Friday so Happy Friday! Today, we are excited to share about 3 veggies that are great to start from seed and for our Southwestern readers.  Right now is the perfect time to get these seeds in the ground.

Before you seed, start by loosening the soil that you would like to turn into your vegetable garden. You can loosen the soil by using a digging fork or rototiller 8-12 inches deep. Then add a little compost for extra nutrients for your plants.

And Now 3 Vegetables to Start From Seed

  1. Broccoli
    My 12 month old is absolutely in love with broccoli. She will eat the stuff right out of the fridge. I don’t even need to warm it up. I will feed her as much broccoli as she will let me because it is one of those superfoods and super healthy. Not only is broccoli really healthy for you, but now is the time to plant it.
  2. Cabbage
    Fried cabbage is a comfort food for me and reminds me of when I was younger. Cabbage is another great veggie to start from seed. While not everyone can share in my childhood memories of eating fried cabbage, I can tell you that homegrown fried cabbage is the best! You don’t have to take my word for it when January is the perfect month to grow cabbage.
  3. Lettuce
    According to Better Homes and Gardens:

    Lettuce comes in four basic types: crisphead, butterhead, loose-leaf, and romaine. Lettuce grows best at cool temperatures. It becomes bitter and goes to seed in summer heat, but you can find types touted as more heat-tolerant.

Your Turn

There are a few things I’m a sucker for and fresh vegetables and saving money are among them. What is your favorite vegetable? Have you ever tried to grow it from seed?

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