4 Tips for Growing Lilies in May

4 Tips for Growing Lilies

Don’t you love lilies?

Would you love your very own garden full of lilies?

Happy Monday everyone. Today is going fun because we are sharing about one of my favorite flowers, the lily, and May is the perfect month for growing lilies.

Lilies are beautiful flowers. Did you know there are many different types of lilies? Here are examples of just a few;

  • Daylily
  • Peace Lilies
  • Toad Lilies
  • Pineapple Lilies
  • Spider Lilies

While there are many different types of lilies today, we are staying traditional and examining the lily.

If you are looking to plant lilies this weekend or this month, you are in luck because we are going to share some tricks and tips that will help your lilies turn out beautiful.

It’s all about where you plant. Here are 4 tips to will help you chose the sweet spot:

  1. First let’s start with providing your lilies with a spot in your garden that offers good drainage.
  2. Lilies flourish in part sun-full sun. Chose a spot that offers sun with some shade during the day for the best results.
  3. According to Better Homes and Gardens, lilies grow best in zones 4-8, which is most of the U.S. Are you unsure of what zone you live in or what a zone is? Check out How to Understand Gardening Zones.
  4. Your beautiful lilies have the potential to grow up to 6 feet!

If you can’t find the sweet spot in your garden, you can also plant lilies in a pot, flower bed, or even in a boarder. Lilies offer a strong smell that can fill any garden.

What is your favorite lily? Do you like traditional lilies like I do, or do you have a different favorite?

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