5 Different Weeds Growing in Your Garden – Part 1
Do you know what type of weeds are going in your garden?
Are you wondering how to identify those weeds?
I remember when I was little getting paid a dollar from my parents for every bag I filled with weeds. Weeding is a gardener’s least favorite chore. When there is a garden, there are weeds. No matter how much we try to prevent them they keep popping up on us.
Knowledge is power. One of the best ways to win the battle against weeds is to be able to identify what they are. The more we know about the enemy the better chance we have at defeating them. Today, we will be exploring a couple of different weeds that may be growing in your garden and tips on how to control them.
This weed is a grassy annual that can grow up to 18 inches tall and 20 inches wide. It will grow and attempt to take over your lawn, your shady parts of your garden and your landscape. Looks can be deceiving with this fellow. Crabgrass appears as a grassy plant whose roots will literally grow anywhere the stem can make contact with the soil.
How to Control Crabgrass
Mulch, mulch and mulch is a great way to prevent the stems from making contact with your soil. According to Better Homes and Gardens, these plants must be pulled by
“hand or spot-treat with a nonselective post-emergence herbicide. Each plant can produce up to 150,000 seeds.”
Nothing is more precious than your little child bringing you a bouquet of flowers except maybe a bouquet of dandelions. The Dandelion is a brouadleaf perennial and if left unattended can grow 12 inches tall and 6-16 inches wide. This weed takes residence in your garden either in the shade or sun in your lawns. They look like yellow flowers.
How to Control Dandelions
For those of us who don’t have little children running around who love to gather dandelions, we can control the growth of dandelions with mulch. It is best to pull this weed by plant and just like crabgrass, you can use post-emergence herbicides on your lawn.
Come back Friday to learn more about the weeds growing in your garden.