5 Remarkable Plants for Clay Soil

Best plants for clay soil

Are your plants having a difficult time surviving in clay soil?

Gardening in clay soil can feel like you are running up hill. However, there are ways to make clay soil work for you. One of those ways is to use plants that grow well in clay.

Today, we will be sharing 5 remarkable plants for your clay soil.  If you have clay soil, this is one list you won’t want to miss.

Plants that thrive in clay soil

  • Black-eyed Susan
    One thing that is great about Black-eyed Susans is they can grow in zones 3-11. You can learn what zone you are in by visiting How to Understand Gardening Zones. The most common variety is the “Goldstrum”. This flower will grow beautifully in your garden.
  • Bluestar
    According to Better Homes and Gardens:
    “Bluestar is a garden champ because it adapts to most growing conditions, from soggy sites to dry clay, and full sun to part shade. It shines in midspring with steel-blue, star-shape flowers and again in fall, when the lustrous willowy foliage turns bright gold.”
  • Aster
    This beautiful flower ranges in colors of white, pink, rose and purple. Aster blooms in the fall and grows in zones 3-9.
  • Coreopsis
    Coreopsis is a clay loving, long summer blooming, ground covering flower. It grows in zones 3-9.
  • Perennial Geranium
    Another name for this flower is cranesbill and is name so because of its seedpod. This flower is another great ground cover that will grow well with clay soil. It blooms in the spring and may continue to bloom into the summer. This flower also prefers mostly sun with some shade.

Planting great flowers is your first step when you are having a difficult time with your soil. Another way for your flowers, plants, trees and, shrubs to stand out as remarkable is to install the Rootwell water system. The rootwell watering system provides water directly to the root zone. By doing that your landscapes roots will grow deeper into the soil and become stronger. When your plants roots are strong so are your plants.

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