6 Fabulous Tips to Growing Rosemary Indoors
Are you having a hard time growing Rosemary outside?
Do you love to add fresh Rosemary to your roasts?
Welcome to our series, Herb Monday. Every Monday, we are sharing tips and tricks to growing herbs in your home. So far, we have explored mint, parsley, basil, and today we are going to look at Rosemary.
Rosemary is a great herb to grow indoors. It is perfect for indoors because it does not appreciate a cold winter day. Unless you live in zones 8 or warmer, growing rosemary indoors is really the best choice. If you are wondering what zone you live in, stop by our article, How to Understand Gardening Zones. You can identify rosemary by its thin leaves. Unlike most herbs, the leaves are more like pine needles.
Your Fabulous Rosemary Tips
- It is best to start your rosemary garden from a small already established plant. However, if you are not interested in paying for a plant, you can start from a cutting. Make sure your cutting is 2-3 inches long. Trim away about an inch of the leaves on the bottom of the stem.
- Rosemary is often killed by overwatering or under watering. According to Gardening Know How:
“Make sure that the drainage on the container with the rosemary is excellent. Only water the soil when the top of the soil is dry to the touch. But, that being said, never let the soil dry out completely.”
- If you would like your plant to produce more leaves and branches, Backyard Gardener suggests that you pinch off the tips of each branch.
- When rosemary is left to itself, it can grow several feet in height. Remember to prune and harvest often. With frequent snipping, you will have no problem keeping the plant to about 1-2 inches.
- To harvest rosemary for that tasty burger, simply snip off the sprig of the plant. Any snips that are larger than 6 inches may taste woody, so it is best to keep them shorter unless you like the woody taste.
- To store rosemary, you can actually freeze the springs whole or you can dry them. I think that frozen rosemary tastes better as it seems to hold the taste in.
What is your favorite herb to grow? Well, next Monday we are going to be sharing about one of my favorites. I will give you one clue to what that herb is:
Because this herb does not too well with humidity, compost tea can help this herb keep away fungus that grows when its environment is to humid or wet.
Can you guess what this herb is?