Fabulous Gardening Tips and Tricks for August
Last updated: May 25, 2021
How are the hot temperatures affecting your garden?
Are you looking for some tips for your garden this August?
Hot temperatures and droughts; this summer has been difficult on our plants and landscapes. For most of the country, August’s days a filled with hot temperatures and can make gardeners feel exasperated. However, the season is not over and may be an important month for your garden.
Here are some fabulous gardening tips for this August.
- Having you been growing herbs? According to Farmers Almanac, right now is a great time to pick them for drying. The best time of day to gather your herbs is the mid-morning hours and make sure to cut the herbs in clusters with their stems attached.
- Go ahead and plant some fall peas. By planting peas in the fall you will provide your soil with nitrogen for the spring. When you plant the peas, make sure to plant them twice as deep.
- Install the Rootwell System. Use Rootsticks for your garden and Rootwells for your trees. The Rootwell System provides your plants roots with the oxygen, water and nutrients that are needed for them to flourish. The Rootwell System will also help your landscape survive droughts because you can simply pour water down the Rootwell to water your landscape.
- Better Homes and Gardens tell us not to forget about the zucchini in our gardens and recommends daily checks.
“In August heat, small, tasty fruit can transform into inedible baseball bats overnight.”
- It is time to stop pruning those evergreens. Pruning now will risk plants new growth that will be killed off during the winter.
- Here are a few flowers that will flower through August and keep your landscape looking colorful.
- Black-eyed Susan
- Russian sage
- Threadleaf tickseed
Do you have any tips to share for this August? We would love to hear them. Remember to stop back on Friday for Rose Friday a series that’s all about how to care for roses.