Gardening with allergies

What You Need To Know About Gardening With Allergies

Gardening with allergies

Do you have allergies?

Would you like to garden, but struggle with allergies?

Allergies are no fun. I for one know this because I have bad allergies. I have them in the spring and in the fall. This spring has been one of the worst that I can remember.

Today, I wanted to take some time to share with you about the top plants to grow if you suffer from allergies and how to fight against those allergies by simply eating food.

According to the New York Daily News, we are in for a tough allergy season this year. The polar-vortex somehow created the perfect environment for trees to pollinate, causing allergies sufferers to grab for even more tissues.

What to Eat as an Allergy Sufferer

Did you know that you can actually fight allergies just by eating certain foods? In our article, How to Fight Fall Allergies the Natural Way, we explain that certain foods have allergy relievers already in them. They won’t just help you fight spring allergies; they will also help you with allergies all year.

The foods we are talking about are broccoli, kale, onions, garlic and even pumpkin. Whether it’s because they are packed with Vitamin A or have a lot of carotenoid, each one offers something to help fight allergies.

What to Plant as an Allergy Sufferer

In our article, Top Plants for Allergy Sufferers, we break down the best plants, herbs, flowers, grass and trees to plant if you or a family member struggle with allergies. That article also provides the worst for allergy sufferers as well.

  • Top flowers and perennials to plant for those gardening with allergies are: daffodils, hostas, lilies, petunias, salvias and tulips.
  • If you suffer from grass allergies, plant St. Augustine.
  • Top trees to plant for allergy sufferers include Crepe Myrtle, Fern Pine (female), Red Maple (female) and Dogwood.


Allergists are predicted a tissue filled spring in the Northeast due to the long hard winter. If you are an allergy sufferer, there solutions for those gardening with allergies by planting certain plants and trees. There are also allergy helpful things to eat to help you with your symptoms.

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