Sweet potato scraps

How to Grow Food from Kitchen Scraps

Sweet potatoe scraps

Does your family always have leftovers when you get together?

Would you like to save on grocery costs?

Happy 4th of July everyone! Today, we celebrate our nation’s birthday, those who have fought to protect us, and our freedom. While the last thing on your mind today may be gardening, we wanted to share what you can do with all those scraps from the BBQs and dinners you and your family and friends are enjoy today.

Below are 3 different foods that you can actually re-grow from your table scraps. So, don’t throw them out just yet.

  1. Leeks
    Believe it or not, but you can re-grow leeks. All you have to do is take soil and plant the end of the leek into the soil.

    Make sure to keep the soil nice and moist and watch as your leeks start to grow. This is a much cheaper way to use leeks than buying them from the grocery store.

    For growing leeks organically your garden, please check out our article, How to Grow Leeks at Home Organically.

  2. Sweet Potatoes

    According to DIYCrafts.com, to re-grow sweet potatoes, cut the sweet potato is half, and suspend it above shallow water with toothpicks.

    In a few days, roots will appear along with sprouts. When the sprouts are about 4 inches long, remove them by twisting them off and place them in a container of water. When the roots grow to about an inch, plant them.

  3. Apples

    This is an exciting one to be able to re-plant because apples are notorious for being full of pesticides. In fact, they have made it to the top of the Dirty Dozen list 3 years in a row.

    This is a more difficult one to grow because apples can be difficult to grow. However, you simply dry the seeds and plant them. Make sure to plant two at a time.


Save those apples seeds, sweet potatoes and leeks scraps to enjoy again. What have you grown from kitchen scraps? We would love to hear in the comment section below.

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