Grow Your Own Coffee Beans

Steaming coffee & beans

Do you love the smell of coffee?

I admit that I have been a coffee addict since I was 15 years old. It wasn’t only the taste. Don’t get me wrong. Sometimes I think that a good cup of coffee can solve almost any problem. It is the atmosphere that comes with a steaming cup of coffee. It seems to bring conversations to life. When the aroma hits your nose in the morning, everything seems possible.

Can anyone relate to my love for coffee?

I am going to guess yes. Let me ask you, would you love the atmosphere of a coffee house to come to your home? I know I would. Today, we are sharing how to actually grow coffee plants inside your home and eventually harvest your own beans.

Sounds crazy right, especially when you can pay $5 for a good cup of coffee? Luckily for you and me, the coffee lovers, growing your own beans is completely possible as long as we are willing to be patient.

According to Hubpages,

Coffee plant (Coffea arabica L.) CAN be domesticated easier than an avocado seedling. There are above 120 subspecies Coffee plants, with sub-gene arabica being most famous and easy to grow at home.

This plant blossoms white flowers and releases an aroma that will have you waking up without your alarm. Now, normally this coffee plant will grow into a small tree, about 3 meters or almost 10 feet in height. However, when you grow a coffee plant indoors in a confined pot, you might only get it to grow to a meter or 3 feet.

Your Own Coffee Beans

Here is what maybe considered the downside. It takes about 4 years before your small tree will start blossoming beans. If you provide your tree with the following, you will be rewarded with your own fresh coffee beans:

  • lots of sunlight
  • time for germination from small wasps and bees

The small tree should provide you with about 50 grams of dry coffee or about 2 ounces and the freshest coffee you have ever had.

What do you think? Would you like to try growing your own coffee beans?

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