When to Harvest Your Vegetables

When to Harvest

Not sure if those tomatoes are ready to be harvested?

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This time of year is the time to enjoy all of the hard work you have put into your garden, it’s time to harvest. Today, for the latest installment of Beginner Gardening Wednesday, we are providing a list of vegetables and when to harvest them.

Beginner Gardening Wednesday is our weekly series where we share information to make gardening fun and easy. One of the most important pieces to growing vegetables is knowing when to harvest. This article aims to arm you with that information.

  • Asparagus: When your asparagus has grown past 6 inches, you can harvest them. Make sure to harvest prior to them growing past 10 inches long.
  • Broccoli: Harvest while the broccoli is still dark green, tight and before it starts to flower.
  • Brussels Sprouts: Believe it or not, but frost will help improve the flavor of brussels sprouts. Make sure to check that the hards are firm starting with the bottom and moving up — that is the perfect time to harvest.
  • Carrots: The best time to harvest is when the carrots’ diameters are about the size of a quarter or smaller.
  • Green Beans: Harvest your green beans when they are as thick as a pencil.
  • Kale and Spinach: When these vegetables have grown into the size you want, it’s time to harvest them. Make sure to to harvest less often during the fall to encourage growth next spring.
  • Peppers: The longer you keep the pepper on the plant, the sweeter or hotter they will become, making it really about how you like your peppers.
  • Summer Squash: If you aren’t careful, these vegetables can really get out of control. Make sure to harvest while they are still young for best taste.
  • Sweet Potatoes: Harvest in the fall prior to the first frost.
  • Tomatoes: When you let your tomatoes ripen on the vine, they will be the sweetest tomatoes you’ve ever tasted. The best way to tell when they are ready is by color. You want your tomatoes red, but you want to harvest them before the ends start to soften.

We hope you enjoy all your hard work with your perfect timed harvest. There is nothing more satisfying the enjoying a freshly harvested, homegrown vegetable.

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