How to Attract Birds to Your Garden

How To Attract Birds To Your Garden

Do you love waking up to a blue bird on your back porch?

Would you like to encourage birds in your garden?

Happy Friday! Can you believe that Christmas is on Tuesday? This past week has been full of holiday preparation. The gifts are wrapped, the cookies have been baked and the house had been cleaned. On this snowy Friday before Christmas, we are sharing about how to attract birds to your garden.

Winter time is a great for attracting birds to your garden by offering food and water. If you want to attract them all year, make sure to provide a continuous supply of food and water even during the summer months. This will cause birds to nest in your garden and to raise their young in your back yard.

4 Ways to Feed Birds

  1. Birds are picky just like humans and they different species like to eat at different levels. Some love to eat at a tabletop level, some at on the ground and others from a feeder hanging for a tree.
  2. Place the feeders near trees and shrubs. This will encourage bird to feel secure just in case they need a quick get-a-way to a nearby branch.
  3. Better Homes and Gardens recommends to:

    If you live in a frost-free climate, serving sugar water (4 parts water to 1 part sugar) will make you popular year-round with hummingbirds, tanagers, grosbeaks, house finches, and some warblers. In colder climates, serve sugar water during warm months only.

  4. In order to find out what the birds in your neighborhood love, try sprinkling different types of feed in small amounts on the ground.

What’s your weekend project? Are doing any planting, pruning or will you be shoveling show?

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