Tasty strawberries

How to Grow Tasty Strawberries in a Pot in 5 Steps

Tasty strawberries

Are you new to gardening?

Have you always dreamed of having your own fresh strawberries?

If you are new to gardening, you might be nervous to try growing strawberries, but you don’t have to be. Today, we are going to share about growing strawberries in pots or containers which is a great way to get started in growing strawberries.

  1. Prep Work – What You Need For Your Strawberry Patch
    All you need is a pot, a blooming strawberry plant, soil, gravel and pantyhose. I know the last one sounds a little odd, but stay with us. We will explain.
  2. Deciding on a Location
    What’s great about growing in a container is that you can easily choose where to put it. It’s important, however, to place the strawberry plant in a spot that they can spend at least 8 hours in the sun.
  3. Choosing a Pot for Your Strawberries
    You really can chose any type of pot or jar that works for you but we recommend using a pot that has “side pockets”. These side pockets are on the sides of the pot and allow you to set a strawberry plant in there. Later on we’ll give you a great tip for planting in larger pots.
  4. Planting in a Pot
    • The first step to create a built-in drain. We can do this by placing the gravel or even broken pieces of a pot on the bottom of the pot. You only need the drainage to be about an inch thick.
    • Next use the pantyhose to separate the gravel from the soil.
    • Fill the pot with soil up to the first pocket, making sure to push down on the soil so that there aren’t any air pockets. Strawberries love soil that has a pH balance of 5.3 to 6.5.
    • Making a small hole in the soil of the pocket, gently place your strawberry plant with roots directed toward to larger part of the pot. Then add more soil and repeat with any additional pockets.
    • Once you’ve reached the top again make small hole and place a strawberry plant in the hole.
  5. The After Care
    For larger pots we highly recommend installing Rootsticks. This direct-to-root watering system will help make sure all the pockets get enough water. The pot could dry out quickly, so make sure you water often. According to Better Homes and Gardens, a great way to make sure that all the plant gets enough sun, is to rotate the pot a quarter turn every few days.


There you have it, your own strawberry patch. What are most looking forward to about this summer? Let us know your answer in the comment section below.

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