How to Protect Your Trees From Heavy Snow

Trees with heavy snow

Has your area been hit with heavy snow?

Are you wondering what the best way to protect your trees from heavy snow is?

The other day, I was sitting in my warm home, drinking this amazing cup of coffee when I looked outside to see a heavy snow fall. My first thought was “what an amazing moment, I need to sit and enjoy because these moments don’t happen often”. I sat there for maybe 30 seconds when I noticed my tree and how they were actually drooping from all the snow!

I’ve worked really hard to grow these trees in my backyard and if I’m honest, I have a lot of pride in them. I could have kicked myself that I didn’t prepare my trees sooner.

Today, while here in Michigan the snow has melted from that heavy snow, I wanted to share with you some tips to protecting your trees from those beautiful heavy snow falls.

How to Protect Your Trees

  • As we mentioned in January Gardening Tips and Tricks, one of the best things you can do (while you might get a little cold) is go out and brush the snow off your trees branches. This is really helpful for your trees especially when the snow is falling really heavy.While you’re out brushing the snow off, make sure someone is inside making you some hot chocolate to come into.
  • Construct a barrier to protect your trees from heavy snow. The University of Minnesota has a great example on how you do it (and we all know how much snow Minnesota gets).

    Winter injury can often be prevented by constructing a barrier of burlap or similar material on the south, southwest, and windward sides of evergreens (Figure 2). If a plant has exhibited injury on all sides, surround it with a barrier, but leave the top open to allow for some air and light penetration.

Increasing Your Trees Chance of Surviving the Winter

Just by implementing these two strategies, your trees change of survival has already increased. Do you know of any tips on how to protect your trees from heavy snow? We’d love to hear them.

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