Tree Care

How Tree Roots Work: Purpose, Function, and How Systems Form

While the roots of the trees in your backyard are buried underground and out of sight, the benefits of having healthy tree roots are anything but invisible.

When the roots of your tree are unhealthy or undernourished, your tree suffers. You might notice that the leaves of your tree are yellow or scorched and that the leaves seem undersized and the canopy bare.

Understanding how tree roots work can help you to learn how to best take care of your trees.

Let’s take a look at what you need to know about tree roots’ functions and what you can do to ensure that your tree roots are getting enough water, aeration, and nutrients.

How Tree Roots Work

Healthy tree roots are absolutely essential for having a healthy tree. The roots of a tree are the non-nodes, non-leaf-bearing parts of the body of the tree. The function of tree roots are:

  • To absorb nutrients and water
  • To store nutrients and food
  • To anchor the tree to the ground
  • Vegetative reproduction and competition with other plants

Roots are the highways that minerals and water can be transported from the soil to the rest of the tree. They are also able to store food reserves during the winter so that your tree can produce foliage in the spring.

While roots play an important role in getting your tree the nutrients it needs, they also play a structural role. Without healthy roots, your tree might not be well anchored to the ground and will be much more likely to fall over.

The root system of your tree consists of smaller, short-lived feeder roots and large perennial roots.

The larger roots and the primary branches of these roots grow horizontally as they increase in size. Typically found in the top 6 to 24 inches of the soil, roots can actually grow between 3 and 7 feet deep if the soil conditions are favorable.

The smaller, feeder roots are generally only about 1/16 inch in diameter. Even though they are so small, they actually make up most of the surface area of the root system. Usually growing upward and outward from the larger roots, they head towards the surface of the soil where they can easily find oxygen, water, and minerals.

Feeder roots die and are regrown regularly under normal conditions. Their major function is to absorb minerals and water.

Why Roots Grow Where They Do

Roots grow where the conditions allow their growth. This means that there is sufficient levels of minerals, water, and oxygen. However, too much water will typically kill roots.

Oxygen is most commonly found in the upper layer of soil, so this is where you’ll find feeder roots in the largest concentration.

There are a number of other factors that influence where roots grow. These include soil compaction and soil temperature. Usually, soil compaction increases the further down into the soil you go, and the temperature decreases as well.

Misconceptions About Healthy Tree Roots

There are a lot of misconceptions and myths regarding tree root growth. One of the most common of these is that the horizontal root spread of trees is often said to only reach the drip line of the tree. In reality, it has been found that root spread actually extends beyond the drip line distance or radius of the tree by 4 to 7 times.

The reason it’s important to understand this is because you’ll want to understand where your tree roots extend to when you are applying fertilizers, herbicides, soil treatments, or insecticides near your trees. If you apply these in the wrong location, you could end up causing serious injury to them.

What Are Deep Root Watering Systems?

When you have trees in your yard, you want them to be as healthy as possible. Not only do you want them to produce their best foliage, blooms, and maybe even fruit, but you also want to make sure they are healthy so they don’t pose a risk on your property.

When you simply water the ground’s surface around your tree, you run into a problem where a lot of the water can evaporate before the roots have the opportunity to grab it. When you water this way, you create a shallow root system, which can mean it’s not anchored to the ground as well.

If you want to create healthy tree roots, you’ll want to practice what is known as deep root watering. This is a method where you can use less water while giving your tree roots more water.

Deep watering is particularly ideal when you are transplanting a tree, dealing with poorly structured soil or poor soil composition, or when you are planting in a restricted space. It’s also important to use deep watering techniques if you are planting in soil that is heavily compacted or in drought conditions.

Why Are Deep Root Watering Systems the Best?

There are a number of benefits to using a deep root watering system for trees, shrubs, and plants. When you are newly planting a tree, it’s important that they get the nutrients, water, and aeration they need to thrive. Otherwise, they may not be able to establish the healthy tree roots they need to grow.

Deep root watering can also be used to help save existing trees. Watering your trees in this way means that you are both conserving water and ensuring that your tree roots are receiving the water and aeration they need. This watering system is particularly beneficial during drought conditions when surface water often evaporates before the tree roots can absorb it.

By Supporting Your Roots Your Supporting the Health of Your Trees!

As you can see, you never want the roots of your trees to be an afterthought. If the roots of a tree aren’t happy, the tree cannot thrive. This is why it’s so important to understand how tree roots work and how to best support their health.

Are you interested in using the deep root watering system for your new planting or your existing trees? If so, check out our deep root watering system products here!

How to Promote Root Growth in Transplanted Trees

Did you know that the larger a transplanted tree is, the longer it’ll take to grow? Yes, you read that right!

Tired of researching “how to promote root growth tree transplants?”

When it comes to transplanted tree root growth, we’ve got you covered. To stimulate proper root growth in transplanted trees, take a look at how to keep your tree alive today!

Tips for Promoting Healthy Root Growth

If you’re looking for a few tips for promoting healthy root growth, you’re in luck. For those of you who are new to moving transplanted trees, you might want to get started by tying together the lower branches of the tree as loosely as possible. This can help you to keep them out of your way and reduce damage.

Next, dig up a large trench surrounding your tree, which should be a little bit deeper than the root ball itself. Then, dig around the perimeter of the tree and undercut your root ball with a spade. Don’t be afraid to grab hand loppers or pruners for bigger roots.

Another excellent idea is to place a piece of canvas or burlap underneath your root ball. This is when it may be a good idea to ask a few friends for a helping hand. That’s because sharing your load can help you to limit the risk of damaging dropping your root ball.

Moving your tree by its root ball, use a garden wheelbarrow to transport your transplant to its new home. Now, you’re ready for the next step: installing a deep root watering system!

How Deep Root Watering Helps Root Growth 

Wondering how deep watering helps root growth?

Since early spring is the best time to transplant trees, it’s also a terrific time to install your deep root watering system too. Not only do deep root systems create pathways in the soil, but it allows water and air to reach the root zone faster than ever. 

Plus, your deep root system’s uniquely patented and porous cylinder is made to promote tree root growth by letting nutrients, water, and airflow freely through the root zone.

On top of that, most deep root systems also come with an “air convection system” that will make sure that circulated air reaches the roots and methane gases are extracted from the root ball. Simple as that!

Curious about treating tree transplant shock?

Pro tip: buy a deep root system for transplanted trees, roots, or shrubs right away!

Take Care of Transplanted Trees 

Still not sure how to take care of transplanted trees? If that’s the case, we can help you out. From tree transplanting tips to tree transplant shock, we’ve got everything you need for your transplanted tree to succeed.

Looking for a few more tree tips? If yes, you’ve come to the right place. Don’t hesitate to check out the rest of our blog now!

Trees in autumn depicting tree roots

Deep Root Watering Guide: 5 Things to Remember When Deep Root Watering Trees

Deep Root Watering Trees - Rootwell Products Tips on Deep Root Watering Trees

Learning the needs of your trees might be difficult, especially when it comes to watering. After all, plenty of trees survive from rain being their only water source; why can’t yours be the same? The reality is, different trees require a variety of watering methods.

If you haven’t worked with trees before or are brushing up, you may not know about deep root watering trees. This is the ultimate thirst quencher for a parched tree. To get started, you’ll need to know how deep root watering works.

As you get started, here are five things to remember when you’re deep root watering trees. 

1. The Water Should Go Deep

One of the biggest benefits of a deep root watering system is that the water reaches deep into the ground, and there are different systems to make this happen. A common method is using Aeration tubes

This is a watering system that provides oxygen, nutrients, and water to the roots. You can have these systems installed along with plants, shrubs, and trees.

Installation for Aeration tubes is also quite simple; you place four of the devices around the planting pit’s outside edge. Then you push them into the ground, so the top is even with the surface outside the pit. Finally, remove any non-biodegradable materials from the rootball, cut down the wire basket, and remove the burlap from the top 1/2 of the root ball. 

This system will ensure that the water reaches deep into the roots of your trees.

2. Water Should Also Go Slow 

In addition to the water going deep into the ground, it should also go slow. Since plants absorb water best through the soil, having a slow and steady water distribution is what will guarantee that your tree is quenched. Otherwise, you’ll be risking that the water evaporates quickly, not reaching the roots thoroughly. 

Deep Root Watering Trees - Guide to Deep Root Watering by Rootwell 3.  Water in the Morning 

When it comes to using deep root watering for trees, there is no magical time when it should be done. Ideally, it’d be in the morning because it allows more water to remain in the soil instead of having it evaporate. Morning water gives your trees refreshment during the heat of the day.

4. Newly Planted Trees Need Most Water

Like any other baby, newly planted trees need a lot of subsistence. Deep root tree care means giving a lot more water to your new trees than your existing older trees. This will ensure that your new trees will grow big and strong. 

5. Not All Plants Benefit From Deep Root Watering 

The best things to use root irrigation for are shrubs and trees. This is because they fight the hardest for water, and they’re the ones that have tricky to reach roots, especially in the hotter months. Other plants don’t need a deep root watering system because they don’t need as much water. 

Deep Root Watering Trees

Deep watering uses different systems to carry water about 8-12 inches into the ground instead of wetting the surface. Not only is deep root watering trees the best way to get your trees quenched and thriving, but using the right deep root watering system is the most efficient way to do it. It’s also great for the environment because you’ll be using less water.

If you’re ready to see all the benefits for yourself, be sure to check out our shop!

Tree and roots depicting how to grow trees in compacted soil

Why Deep Root Watering is Better Than Watering Bags

Deep root watering is a highly effective irrigation method compared to using watering bags. If you’re wondering, “Why use a deep root watering system?”, then here are some of the benefits of deep root watering vs. watering bags. 

Why deep root watering is better than watering bags | Rootwell Direct-to-Root-Watering

A deep root watering system is one of the best water bag alternatives because of its targeted water delivery. It delivers water directly to the root system rather than sitting atop the soil and then evaporating before reaching roots. 

With a direct-to-root watering approach, water permeates deep into the soil and encourages trees to develop a deep root system.

Conversely, watering bags can result in a surface root system, as water does not penetrate deep into the soil. A shallow root system can endanger the health and stability of the tree. 

Watering bags cause water to collect around the trunk of the tree which can result in root girdling. Deep root watering encourages roots to move away from the root ball, eliminating this risk. 

Because deep root water systems directly supply water to roots, they are highly efficient at saving water. They are a perfect solution for drought-prone areas or to anyone wanting to be more water-wise. 

How deep root watering works better than watering bags | Rootwell Enhanced Airflow

Another one of the benefits of deep root watering is the creation of consistent airflow of oxygen in the soil. This ensures roots can extract the nutrients and oxygen needed to nourish the tree. 

Due to the excessive weight of watering bags, they can compact surrounding soil. This results in restricted airflow and poor soil and tree health. 

Aesthetics and Health

Watering bags must sit above ground around the base of the tree. These can be large and unattractive, detracting from the natural beauty of the tree. Deep root water systems are inserted 18″ deep into the ground, making them virtually unnoticeable. 

Because watering bags sit around the trunk of the tree, the bark becomes more prone to disease and susceptible to insects. Mold and debris can also build up beneath the watering bag. 

These bags also need to be replaced regularly as they are exposed to heat and can wear down. 

Deep root watering does not compromise the bark of the tree or contribute to the build-up of debris and mold. They are a permanent solution to the efficient irrigation of your trees. 

Rootwell Pro-318 is Better Than Gatorbags for Tree Root Growth Learn More About Deep Root Watering

Trees are often called the lungs of the earth because of their amazing ability to create clean air for all living things. 

In addition to generating cleaner air, trees also regulate temperature, help filter rainwater, provide habitats for wildlife, and even minimize carbon emissions. On top of all that, they’re beautiful to look at! 

Keeping trees healthy and strong is vital to a thriving environment. Correctly watering trees is an important step to ensuring trees have the nutrients, airflow, and deep root support needed to flourish. 

If you’re still wondering, “Should I use deep root watering?”, then check out our website for more information to help you decide. 

We offer scientific backed deep root watering solutions for homeowners and contractors. Let us show you how to keep your trees healthy and thriving. Contact us today to learn more.

Common Tree Diseases

How to Improve Tree Growth Rate: 5 Proven Tips

Improve Tree Growth Rate Tips - Rootwell Deep Root Watering Systems Have you ever wondered how improve tree growth?

When it comes to improving tree growth rate, it can be complicated to find what works. Instead of spending your time going through trial and error, you can do your research to see what works best. 

You may be experienced with growing trees or just beginning; either way, these methods are sure to take your skillset to the next level. Get ready to see your trees grow like never before.

Let’s get started on learning how 5 proven tips to help improve the rate of tree growth.

1. Choose the Right Tree

The first step to ensuring your tree grows quickly is to choose the right trees! Trees don’t only vary in appearance—they have different growth rates that depend on your climate, conditions of soil, space, and light.

Depending on where you plan on planting them, you can find a tree that not only grows to be big and beautiful but also lasts for years to come.

Speak to a local nursery to see what trees are right for you.

How to Improve Tree Growth Rate - Rootwell Deep Root Watering Systems 2. Implement a Deep Root Watering System

Now that you have your perfect tree, you’re going to need to nourish it to improve tree growth rates. Water bags are popular, but there are water bag alternatives that are sure to make your tree grow at a quicker rate. 

Why use a deep root watering system? Not only is this superior to the traditional water bag method, but it’s simple to do and better for the environment. 

Deep root watering slowly carries water into the ground instead of getting the surface wet, which helps improve tree growth rate. This will save you time and money, all while making your tree grow at an impressive rate. Rootwell has the best products to ensure your tree gets the watering it deserves through the most advanced and effective deep root tree watering system available on the market today!

3. Protect the Tree’s Roots

Speaking of roots, they really need to be protected to avoid any damage. This means preventing cars and heavy equipment from driving over the root areas. This can compact the soil, which reduces oxygen and kills roots.

You shouldn’t remove or add soil beneath tree canopies either unless you consult a certified arborist. This can weaken the tree and harm roots. Healthy roots make for a happy tree, which means you can improve tree growth rate.

4. Use Mulch

Another way to help improve the rate at which your tree grows is to use mulch! Two to three inches of organic mulch under the canopy of your tree will do wonders.

Mulch is great because it cools the soil, improves its texture, reduces weeds, and conserves moisture. Be sure to replenish it often, and you’re sure to see a difference in the rate at which your tree’s root systems develop and therefore the rate at which your tree grows.

5. Careful With Pests

Like any other plant, insects can weaken your trees and slow their growth rate. Look out for pests like caterpillars and Adelgids.

You can use a variety of tree feed that also helps protect it against insects. It’s as simple as applying it around the base of your tree to keep your tree protected. 

Improving Tree Growth Rate with Rootwell’s Deep Root Watering Products

Rootwell Deep Root Watering Systems There’s nothing quite like putting in the work to grow some big, beautiful trees and seeing your hard work pay off. It may be a challenge, but there are methods to help improve your tree growth rate.

It starts with finding the right tree and implementing a deep root watering system, preferably an effective one like Rootwell’s.

Ready to see the magic of deep root watering for yourself? Be sure to check out our products!

Fast growing trees plant in fall

Fast Growing Trees to Plant in the Fall

Boy and father planting tree depicting fast growing trees

Are you looking to add some beautiful, fast growing trees for your yard? Did you know fall is the perfect time to plant a tree?

Believe it or not, but fall, not spring is the best time of the year to plant your trees. Today, we will explore why that is.

We are also exploring what trees you can still plant this fall that grow quickly, giving your yard the more mature look you want.

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Tree trunks in autumn

Trees With The Strongest and Deepest Roots

Trees in autumn depicting tree roots

Have you ever had to cut a tree down because the tree roots were damaging your septic field, your foundation, or your sewer connection?

The strength and persistence of tree roots is no joke.

Did you know trees can grow their roots through rock? It’s true! Rather than try to grow around a rock, a tree will go right through, over time.

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Tree growing in compacted soil due to water runoff

How to Solve Water Runoff Problems

Water Runoff: What it is and how to prevent it

Tree growing in compacted soil due to water runoff

Do you deal with dry, baked soil in your garden or landscaping? Do you regularly water your plants, trees, and lawn and feel like they are still doing poorly and dying? Is your water bill sky high in the summer?

Gardeners, farmers, and even homeowners can struggle with dry, compacted soil and plants that wilt.

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