Michigan’s Cherry Crop Looks Good for 2013
Were you disappointed with the cherry crop last year?
When you think of Michigan cherries, what do you think of?
Picture this, it is warm summer day in Michigan and you’ve been outside all morning. You look around your yard pleased with all work you’ve accomplished. Now, however, it is time for a quick snack and you reach for the cherries you just picked up at the store.
I grew up in Michigan, so Michigan cherries are one of those things that bring special memories for me. If you have yet to experience Traverse City and their Cherry Festival, you’ll want to add it to you list of summer experiences for 2013.
Last year, my family and I were disappointed when the drought limited most of Michigan’s cherry crop. You may remember that Michigan’s weather in the summer of 2012 was extremely hot with little rain. This year, we have had such a late spring and now summer still feels out of our grasp.
Droughts like the one in 2012 are one of the reasons why Rootwell products were created. We wanted to solve the problem of why trees easily die. One of the reasons is that the typical method for transferring trees and planting trees don’t allow for the tree itself to have much of a fighting chance.
That is why the Rootwell Pro318 and Rootsticks were developed. They provide the ability to make the transition of planting and growing trees easier. The Rootwell is a direct to root watering system. As your tree seeks water, oxygen, and nutrients, the Rootwell will promote the trees root growth to seek deeper into the soil, establishing strong root. As any grade school student can tell us, strong roots = strong trees.
Luckily this year we haven’t seen any signs of a drought. However, Michigan’s fruit crop faced a new challenge with the late spring. According to Mlive.com we should have plenty of Michigan cherries to enjoy this summer.
Michigan’s sweet cherry crop is looking good for this year after surviving prolonged cold weather this spring, according to cherry growers and packers.”
Do you have a favorite memory of eating cherries in the summer? Please share them below.