7 Easy To Do Money Saving Gardening Tips
Spring is here and it is time to get outside. Find out how to save money and apply these easy to do gardening tips.
7 money saving gardening tips that are easy to do
- How to Eliminate Bugs
This is one of my favorite tips offered in this article. AARP reported that hanging a dryer sheet adjacent to an outdoor light fixture will help to keep flying insects, including mosquitoes away. Make sure that the dryer sheet does not touch the light fixture.
- Research
Whether you are planting a vegetable garden, sprucing up your landscape, or even planting trees in your backyard, doing your research will help you save money. Start by sketching out a plan. Then look into each plant that you might like to include. Answer questions like how much water will this plant need or how much sunlight?
- Forgo Over Planting
This tip comes from Better Homes and Gardens. They recommend saving money by making sure you do not over plant.
- Know The Uses of Coffee Grounds
Used fresh coffee grounds can be used to help deter snails, slugs, cats, and ants. Coffee grounds can also be used as a free fertilizer and give an extra boost to acid loving plants. If your compost pile is starting to smell bad, try adding some coffee grounds to it. For more information please read, 4 Way to Reuse Coffee Grounds to Improve Your Garden. - Don’t Throw Out that Spaghetti Water
Do not throw that spaghetti water down the drain. It is full of nutrients. Instead, water your plants with it.
- Consider Epsom Salt
Epsom Salt has so many uses in the garden from growing sweeter fruits and vegetables, to assisting with transplanting or planting trees, shrubs, flowers, and plants. For more, please see, How to Supercharge Your Garden with Epsom Salt.
- How to Lower Your Water Bill
Save money on your water bill by watering directly to the root zone of your plants, shrubs, and trees. One great way to do this is by installing a direct to root watering system. These systems have been scientifically proven to increase deeper root growth, increase greater root mass, and increase above ground growth.
Take Away
These 7 easy to do gardening tips will help you save money and your garden and landscape. Do you have a favorite to add to this list?