How to Plant a Butterfly Bush

Butterfly bush

Looking to add a beautiful shrub to your yard?

Would you like to attract butterflies to your yard?

While the weather gets colder and the sky is becoming grayer, you may find yourself dreaming about summer. Today, we want to dream with you. We have found a little gem and wanted to share how to plant it with you.

The butterfly bush is named for exactly what it does. All summer long and into the fall this bush will draw butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden. This shrub is also beautiful and has a fruity scent.

The only downside to this bush is that according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the butterfly bush tends to be “invasive”. So, before planting you will want to make sure that it has an adequate location to grow and flourish.

Planting and Caring for the Butterfly Bush

A butterfly bush grows well in zones 5-10. Better Homes and Gardens reports that the butterfly bush can grow up to 15 feet high and 8 feet wide. This shrub needs plenty of sun and well-drained soil. For best results make sure to plant in the spring or in the fall.

Once you have picked the right spot for your shrub, loosen the soil, add compost and mix in around. Make sure that the hole you dig is about twice the diameter or the plant container. When you put the shrub into the hole, make sure the top of the root ball is level with the surface.

Don’t forget to install a Rootstick when planting. Rootsticks are a scientifically proved direct-to-root watering system the enables water, oxegyn and nutrients to the root zone. Butterfly bushes need plenty of water when they are growing, but only sparingly when they remain dormant. The best way to ensure you are providing them with the right amount of water is by installing a Rootstick.

Are you already planning your spring garden? What has made your spring to-do list?

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