Planting, Caring, and Propagating Stunning Lilac Bushes

Planting, Caring, and Propagating Stunning Lilac Bushes

Nothing smells like spring and summer quite like the amazing aroma of a lilac bush. Their incredible sent can be smelled from a distance and is a must have for any home landscaping. If you don’t have this amazing bush, you are in for a treat. There is a special sentimental value that is a favorite for mothers and grandmothers and that can even be passed down from generation to generation. In addition, if you looking for ways to attract beautiful butterflies, a lilac bush will do the trick.

Lilac bushes are easy to grow, they are low-maintenance, can handle most soils, and they do great in full sun or partial sun. They are the perfect addition in your yard. If you don’t have a lilac bush, late summer and fall is the time to prepare to plant and prepare for this amazing bush, so you can enjoy its amazing benefits next spring.

Lilacs come in a variety of colors: red, pink, yellow, purple, and white. In most northern parts of the country, you will experience lilacs amazing blossoms in late May. While the blooms usually only last about two weeks, these fragrant bushes are beloved and great to have in your yard. If you want a longer blooming season, consider planting a combination of early-flowering selection with mid and late season bloomers.

Here is everything you need to know to plant, take care of, and to propagate a lilac bush.

Planting Lilacs

When planting a lilac bush the most important thing you will need to make sure you have is space. A lilac bush will need seven to eight feet long and ten feet wide. You also want to make sure they are in a spot where they will get at least six hours of sun a day to ensure an abundance of blossoms.

Lilac bushes are typically considered cold climate plant, but their popularity is spreading and are grown in a variety of climates. You can plant a lilac bush in spring or fall, but the fall is the best time.

To ensure that the new plant as an adequate amount of water, use Rootwell rootsticks. This is a tool that you can place deep down into the ground that waters the plant at the source – the roots. This will help your new plant to will thrive by supplying water, nutrients and oxygen to produce those amazing blooms you are waiting for.

Caring for Lilacs

Lilac shrubs are typically very low maintenance, however, doing a few things will ensure that your bush is in peak condition. One way to nurture your lilac bush is to add a handful of lime about twice a year.

Another way to care for your lilac bush is to prune the shrub. If you are noticing that your plant isn’t blooming like it once did, it might be time to prune. As soon as you notice the bloom fading, snip them back to the leaf.

From time to time, you may need to prune more than just the faded blossoms. You will know this when your shrub gets too tall to enjoy the blossoms. What you will need to do is to find an older limb and handsaw it right down to the ground. This will create healthier growth and a more dynamic blooms.

Propagating Lilacs

Having your parents or grandparent move from a home can be difficult to say goodbye. Especially if you have special plants in a yard that you wish you could take with you.

Propagating your parents’ or grandparents’ lilac plant gives you the beautiful gift to take a piece of your childhood back into your own home. And, if you are up for a gardening challenge, then propagating a lilac bush from cutting is the perfect task.

The first thing that you want to do is find a neighbor with a great bush and ask them if you can cut a cutting from them. The goal will be to use new growth in late spring or early summer. The more mature growth are less likely to take root. Take a few cuttings to make sure at least one of them succeed.

The best time to cut a cutting is when the bush is well hydrated and the weather is cool – like the morning time. Find a branch with tender, new growth and cut a the branch from 4 to 6 inches in length. Take all the leaves from the bottom of the branch off, but keep two to three leaves at the top. This allows for roots to grow from the point where the leaves were attached to the stem.

Dig a hole where you would like to plant the new bush. Fill the hole with potting soil, sand, and prelite. Water the mixture a little bit. Use a stick to create a new hole where you will place the plant. Place the new cutting into the whole and pat the soil mixture around it so that the plant will stand up straight. You can also plant the new cuttings into a pot and add a few different wants, but make sure they are not touching. Make sure to water consistently.

Keep an eye on the cuttings to root in about one to two months. This will be a sure sign that your new plant is growing and healthy. You can begin to allow the potting soil to dry slightly between watering. Keeping them in a pot will allow for you to ensure that the cuttings succeed and the roots are well established. Once that happens, you can move them to a permanent place outdoors.

Take Away

Growing a lilac bush will add an amazing addition to your home garden. Their low-maintenance, amazing fragrance, and sentimental value be an amazing part to your backyard. The blooms will be sure to take your breath away and make sweet gifts to give to neighbors and friends.

Over to You

Please share with us your thoughts below. Do you currently have a lilac bush in your yard? What is your favorite part? Have you ever tried to propagate your lilac bush?

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