Tomatoes – The Best That 2014 Has To Offer – The Mountain Merit

Fresh tomatoes

Are you looking for the perfect vegetable for your garden?

Do your tomatoes struggle with diseases?

Gardening is a lot to take on, even for greenest thumbs among us. Little things can happen that leave us wondering, “what did I do wrong?”

Have you ever planted something with all the joy and excitement you didn’t even know you had for a little plant? Have you ever watched that same plant that stored all your hope stop budding, not grow at all or become so diseased that it is impossible to eat?

Sometimes it can be a simple as choosing the right variety.

The 2014 AAS Vegetable Award Winner has been decided and it has us thinking about adding this particular vegetable to our gardens. The Mountain Merit didn’t just win on its good looks. This tomato has a lot to offer.

What Makes a Tomato A Winner?

Every All-America Selections winners are tested on,

  • Timeline for Blooming and Harvest
  • Disease and Pest Resistance
  • Color
  • Flavor
  • How Much it Produces
  • The Length it Flowers

“Tested Nationally and Proven Locally”

What Makes the Mountain Merit Tomato a Winner?

The Mountain Merit tomato has proven itself worthy of becoming an AAS winner. This tomato outdid its competition in being resistant to multiple diseases that many home grown tomatoes face.

It is also known for its great taste and its ability of add that extra something to your BLT sandwich.

What You Need To Know About Growing the Mountain Merit Tomato

  • When planting this tomato make sure to plant it in a spot that receives full sun.
  • You will need to stake this tomato plant.
  • All-America Selections recommends sowing the seeds for transplant around 6-7 weeks prior to planting. Plant them about 1/2 inch into the soil
  • Plant when the temperatures are around 65-70 degrees F.
  • When your seedlings have grown to about 2 inches tall, transplant them into 4 inch containers.


Even when you’ve done everything for your little seedling that you possibly can, things can still go wrong. However, by choosing an All-America Selections winner, your little seedling will have a greater chance at making it all the way to your BLT.

What is your favorite vegetable to grow in your garden? Please let us know in the comment section below.

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