Pruning Roses and Helpful Tips and Tricks for Rose Bushes

Pruning RosesWelcome back to Rose Friday. Rose Friday is our weekly series where we discuss tips and how to care for roses. Last week, we talked how to plant container roses in How to Plant Container Roses.

Are you looking to prune those newly planted rosebushes? There may be cause for you to think again.

Pruning Roses

When planting roses, the process can often feel unfinished until you have pruned the new bush. According to Roses by James Underwood Crockett and the Editors of TIME-LIFE BOOKS, pruning a new bush may not be the best idea. They explain it further saying that before the bush leaves the nursery, the upper part of the plant is trimmed in order to bring a balance to the roots.

Newly set bushes typically do not need pruning for a least the first year. However, there is always the exception. When a bush has been injured in shipping or planting, pruning may help compensate for the damage. Another exception is when you have had to trim off two or three broken root ends while planting. If this is the case, you will prune the longer canes of the upper plant. By doing this, it should bring back balance to the root system.

Helpful Tips and Tricks for Roses

Here are some helpful tips and trick to keep your rose garden looking fabulous.

  • Moisture and Fertilizer
    No matter how careful you try to be while planting, your roses will not be able to bloom without the right amount of moisture and fertilizer.
  • When Your Roses Need Water
    The best way to tell if your roses need water is to stick your forefinger into the soil. If the soil is dry then the roots most likely need water.
  • Tagging
    Tagging your new plants is a great way to know what and when you have planted. It is best not to set the tag on the plant, but rather fasten your tag to a stake nearby.

Now you are on your way to a fabulous rose garden. If you have not seen any of our previous series you can visit them by clicking below.

Make sure to visit next Friday because we will be taking a deeper look at how to water your rose garden.

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