What You Need To Know About Growing Aloe Vera

What You Need To Know About Growing Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a plant that is extremely sensitive to frost. This makes it difficult to grow outside for most of the country. If you cannot grow your aloe vera plant outdoors, let’s bring it indoors.

Aloe vera is not a difficult plant to grow indoors. With a little know how, soon you will be enjoying all the benefits of the plant in the comfort of your own home. Here is what you need to know about growing aloe vera:

Planting Aloe Vera

  • Aloe vera is a popular plant and you should be able to pick up a plant from the local nursery.
  • If you are planning to repot your aloe vera plant, make sure to repot in the spring. Use a well-draining potting mix and a wide container. Yet, The Gardener Helper, recommends to keep the plant in the pot.
  • This is a slow growing plant and it won’t need to be re-potted often.
  • You will want to place the pot in a spot where it can receive lots of strong and bring light.
  • When you bring the plant home from the nursery, set it by the window.
  • Watering During the Winter. The plant should be dormant meaning that during the winter it isn’t growing. Continue to water it. Wait until the soil dries up and water the plant with about a cup or two.
  • Watering During the Summer. In the summer, your goal is to keep the soil soaked allowing only for it to dry before you soak it again.
  • According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, your plant will produce offsets or plantlets that are like baby plants. You can remove these and grow new plants.
  • Harvest your aloe vera by removing one of the lower leafs, cutting it open and there you will find the aloe gel.

Aloe vera is often used to relieve pain from burns and scrapes making it a useful plant to keep around the house. It is easy to grow indoors and requires minimal care.

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