April Gardening Tips for the Pacific Northwest
Are you unsure where to get started in your backyard?
Are you ready to take on the garden?
The days are growing longer and the grass is looking greener. Both are signs that it is time to get dirt under our fingernails as we work the ground outside.
Whether you are looking for what to do for your landscape or wondering if you can start planting vegetables, this list has some fantastic gardening tips for our Pacific Northwestern neighbors.
April Gardening Tips
Every month, we post gardening tips and tricks for a specific region. This month, we are expanding to Friday as well. We are covering four areas that include landscape, fruits and vegetables, perennials, and general gardening tips.
Landscaping Tips
- Organic Gardening recommends that this is the month to test out your soil. They recommend calling “your agricultural extension office, master gardeners program or organic gardening center for reputable soil testing organizations” and then making the recommend additions to your soil.
- This is a great month to look into some drought tolerant flowers. Iris and sedums are a great option.
- Install aeration tubes for any newly planted trees and for any trees that you fear might not make it through the summer.
Fruits and Vegetables Tips
- You can still plant cold-tolerant vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts and cauliflower. For a bigger list of vegetables to plant and how to do it, check out our article 12 Frost Tolerant Vegetables to Plant in Early Spring.
- Better Homes and Garden recommends when sowing lettuce or other green garden seeds, to sow them weekly. This way you will have salads all season long
- Right now is a great time to plant herbs including oregano, parsley, rosemary and mint.
- Start spraying your fruit trees and offer an insecticide soup for your strawberries.
Perennials Tips
- Keep dividing your perennials and replanting them.
- This month is also a great time to head to the nursery, pick up some new perennials and plant them.
General Gardening Tips for April
- Make sure to keep your eyes out for slugs this month. The Old Farmer’s Almanac advocates using products with iron phosphate when trying to control the slugs.
April is one of my favorite months of the year because you can always count on getting out into the garden and getting dirt under your fingernails.
What do you look forward to most in the month of April?