March Northeast Gardening Tips

March Gardening Tips for the Northeast

Are you ready for spring?

Would you like to head out into your garden today?

Spring officially started last week, however, many of us Northeasterners still feel like its winter. Many areas still have a blanket of snow covering yards and flower beds.

March is the month where it is finally time to head out into the garden and yard. With so much to do outside, it can be difficult to know where to start. We have put the following March gardening tips to help you on your way.

Northeast Gardening Tips

US Gardening Region MapHere are a list of important gardening tricks and tips for the Northeast region of the United States. March, especially towards the end of the month, marks the time to get outside. Below is a list of to-dos for this month.

Landscaping Tips:

  • Plant deciduous trees and shrubs (trees and shrubs that tend to lose their leaves every years) as soon as you can work the ground.
  • Spray your lawn with a pre-emergence herbicide to prevent weeds and crabgrass.
    Fruit and Vegetables:
  • On a day when the winds have calmed and it is in the 40s outside, use dormant spray on all your fruit trees before any new growth.
  • The Old Farmer’s Almanac recommends that you keep pruning right up until your fruit trees start their spring budding. It helps when you prune on a day that the temperatures are above freezing.
  • Start planning and planting some cold-tolerant vegetables. In our article 12 Frost Tolerant Vegetables to Plant in Early Spring, you will find a list of vegetables that could be planted as soon as this month.

Perennials Tips:

  • According to Better Homes and Gardens, towards the end of this month when perennials start to sprout up, is the perfect time to start dividing. Generally, plan to  divide perennials every 3 years. However, if you have an extra thriving perennial, you can divide every two to three years.

General Gardening Tips for March:

  • While you may be ready to see those spring-time flowers like daffodils and tulips, don’t uncover them just yet. They are loving the extra warmth that the mulch provides for them.


Spring is here and it’s time to head outside as soon as the weather allows. With these tips and tricks soon you’ll have your hands in the dirt and the sun in your eyes.

What is on your March gardening to-do list?

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