Go Green

Zero waste tip - growing deedlins in cardboard egg cartons

How to Go Zero Waste in Your Kitchen, Home, and Garden

Zero waste tip: Use cardboard egg cartons to grow seedlings

We previously covered the zero waste movement and what it means, beyond reducing what you send to the recycling facility or landfill.

Maybe the term and description have sparked some ideas for how you can cut down waste.

Perhaps you’ve been waiting for the impetus to start practices that reduce or eliminate waste because, let’s face it, sometimes we rely on convenience foods and products.

It’s hard to switch up your routine in the midst of a busy lifestyle.

However, don’t fear! Even if you can’t cut out all of our waste, there are simple ways to drastically reduce it that can positively impact your house, your garden, and your budget.

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The Zero Waste Movement: It’s Not (necessarily) What You Think

Zero waste concept - using eco cotton bags instead of plastic bag

Zero waste concept – using Eco-friendly bags instead of plastic bags

Like many typical Americans, you have probably heard the term zero waste and passed it by.

Maybe you have remembered how Sweden has almost stopped producing trash and wondered distractedly how they pulled that off.

Or maybe you took a quick mental journey around your house and thought, “no way,” as I did initially.

You can get going on a major guilt trip if you think for even a few minutes about how much stuff you’re sending to a landfill. I think that’s why many people prefer not to think about it.

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Christmas cactus

Top 24 Low-Maintenance Plants to Give as Holiday Gifts

Christmas cactus example of low-maintenace plants

Christmas cactus

Do you want to go green this holiday, literally? Avoiding all the expensive consumer goods and cheap, mass-produced decorations is a great way to cut down on the waste your holiday will produce.

However, what do you give to family and friends that will make a significant impact, have a lasting effect on their lives, and not break the bank?


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Cobb houses By Benjahdrum CC BY-SA 3.0,via Wikimedia Commons

Cob Houses: The Greenest Way To Build

Example of cob houses example - photo by  Benjahdrum CC BY-SA 3.0,via Wikimedia Commons

The first time I heard about building with cob, it was from a relative who was planning to go off the grid. He was going to buy a piece of land with cash, move there in the early summer, and build his cob house with his own two hands before the cold weather hit.

What are cob houses, I wondered?

He told me it was basically mud.

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