Go Green

Backyard Gardening: Thanksgiving Decorations You Grow

Thanksgiving decorations that you grow

Are you looking for ways to save money on your Thanksgiving decorations?

One of my favorite ways to decorate this autumn season is with the items grown right outside our doorstep. Thanksgiving can be costly enough with all the food to buy. Why add to that with decorations when your yard and garden are full of beautiful decorations?

This article provides 9 different decorating ideas. Each idea uses items that you can find outdoors from classic pumpkins and gourds to candled core apples and vases of dried wheat stalks.

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What to Do with Your Christmas Tree after Christmas

Christmas tree recycling

Does your Christmas tree seem to be hanging onto its last few branches?

Would you like to be able to keep your Christmas tree all year long?

One thing that you might be thinking at this point in the holiday season is what am I going to do with that Christmas tree? While we hope you are having a wonderful holiday season, it might be time to do something with that tree. Don’t worry; today we are going to be reviewing Christmas tree disposal options.

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How To Fight Fall Allergies the Natural Way

Pumpkin for allergies

Are you one of the many Americans struggling with fall allergies?

Do you hate the way the decongestants make you feel?

Many Americans all over the county find themselves year after year, fall after fall staying inside and struggling with fall allergies. I am one of those Americans. Not too long ago, I started researching how to fight my fall allergies naturally.

Sometimes when I take a decongestant, I find myself extra sleepy and a little out of it all day long. Like other allergy sufferers out there, I have a busy life and I can’t be in a fog all day. So, how do we fight our allergies naturally? By eating food. Yes, eating certain foods can help you fight your fall allergies.

You may be wondering what allergies have to do with gardening. Please stay with me and you will see.

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Why You Should Plant Swiss Chard and How to Plant It

Swiss chard

Swiss chard

Are you looking for a healthy green to plant this fall?

Are you bored with spinach and kale?

You may have never even heard of Swiss chard, but this green or reddish leafy vegetable with a variety of stem colors is not only great tasting, it is also packed with nutrients. Today, we are going to look at why you want to plant Swiss chard and how to do it.

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