Deep Root Watering & Tree Care Blog

Spectacular Holiday Porch Decorating Design Ideas

Holiday porch decorating ideas

The holiday season is almost upon us. According to most stores, it’s been upon us for some time. If you are ahead of schedule, or you just enjoy the holidays, you might already have your house decorated.

However, many of us are wondering how to pull together a cozy, inviting, and festive look that won’t break the budget and goes beyond garland, lights or blow-up figures on your front lawn.

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Cold tolerant desert plants: agave in the snow

Top Cold Tolerant Desert Plants

Cold Tolerant Desert Plants: agave in the snow

Hardy agave plant covered in snow

Did you know that some desert plants can survive in cold climates?

Months ago, in my cold and rainy Michigan town, I was shocked to discover a neighbor had a cactus bed apparently thriving on the street side of their house.

Could this possibly be cactus, I wondered? It certainly looked like cactus: spiny lobes, low-growing. I couldn’t imagine how this desert plant would survive here, much less thrive and look very healthy. After all, in the not-so-distant past in this state, we’ve had winter temperatures of 10-30 degrees Fahrenheit below zero.

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Cold Hardy Container Plants for Fall and Winter

Cold Hardy Container Plants for Fall and Winter

Container plants: sedum

I love learning about new plants, don’t you? It seems like, no matter what plant you choose to learn about, someone, somewhere has tried it in a new location or made it do something new. The beautiful thing about plants in human hands is that there will never be an end to the combinations that are possible. Plants do new things all the time and people continue to surprise me with their creativity.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about new things to do with container plants on my front porch. It would be nice to have something that can transition to cold weather so I don’t have to be digging in cold soil once the frost sets in. Here in Michigan, you never know when that will be. We could have snowy weather from October through May. Or we could have fairly warm weather straight through December.

9 Container Plants for Fall and Winter

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3 Top Benefits of Terrace Gardening

Rice fields terrace gardening at Mu Cang Chai, Yen Bai, Vietnam.

Rice fields terrace gardening at Mu Cang Chai, Yen Bai, Vietnam.

My family and I drove through Iowa one summer on our way to Colorado. I have to say that Iowa might be our nation’s best-kept secret. Of course, it’s not a secret to everyone. It was just a secret to me.

I should have remembered the movie, Field of Dreams. The beauty of the rolling hills and farms was inspiring. I felt like I was in the shire depicted by J.R.R. Tolkien in the Lord of the Rings series.

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Mother and daughter gardening

5 Reasons Gardening is Good for Your Health

Reasons why gardening is good for your health

If you’ve caught the gardening bug, you may know instinctively that this activity is especially good for your health. It seems that gardeners have known this for centuries – maybe even longer.

Maybe it’s in our DNA. Human beings were made to live outdoors and commune with nature as much as any wild animal. Scientific studies are showing that we can find evidence for what gardeners have always known was true. If you want to be healthy, take care of the earth!

The opposite of this is showing its ugly face in our national health crisis. Numerous documentaries have shown how our current practices are making us ill:

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