Deep Root Watering & Tree Care Blog

How to Easily Grow Ginger in Your Backyard

How to Easily Grow Ginger in Your Backyard

How to Easily Grow Ginger in Your Backyard

Do you love fresh ginger?

Would you love to have ginger as a part of your garden?

You may think that growing ginger is hard, but it’s actually pretty easy. As long as you know a few tips and tricks, you can grow ginger whether it’s in your backyard or in a container.

Today, we are going to break down how to plant and care for ginger. Before we get into that though, there are a couple of factoids about ginger that we will explain.

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How to Grow Wildflowers that Supercharge Your Garden

Texas wildflowers - Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbush

Texas wildflowers – Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbush

Are you looking for a unique look for your garden?

Would you like something that is easy to grow?

One of the best ways to create that unique, one of a kind look to your garden is to plant wildflowers. They bring that special something and set your yard apart from the Jones’ house next door.

On Wednesdays, we highlight gardening that is easy to do and there isn’t much out there that is easier to grow than wildflowers. Not only will your yard be the envy of the neighborhood, it will be easy to do. Follow the steps below on how to plant and care for your wildflowers.

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August Gardening Tips Southeastt

August Gardening Tips for the Southeast

August gardening tips southeast

What vegetables should you plant this month?

Are you looking for some watering tips for the month of August?

Schools across the country are starting for the year and the temperatures in the Southeast Region are hot. This can only mean one thing, it’s August. If you are like me, you’ve worked too hard on your lawn and garden to see the summer sun ruin your yard.

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How to Grow Marvelous Mums

How to Grow Marvelous Mums

How to Grow Marvelous Mums

Are you thinking about planting mums this fall?

It’s that time of year – the time when fall starts to creep up on us. This time of year is always marked by the mums that take over the front of every grocery store and florist.

All of these mums may have you thinking about your fall garden. Today, we are sharing how to plant and help your mums survive the winter.

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Deadheading Made Easy – How to Supercharge Your Garden

Deadheading Made Easy - How to Supercharge Your Garden

What do gardeners mean when they use the term deadheading?

How can I deadhead my flowers for maximum success?

Often times when I’m writing monthly gardening tips, I find myself using this word – deadheading. If you are new to gardening or have never heard that term it might throw you off quite a bit.

For today’s article, I would like to take some time to make sure we explain what deadheading is, how to do it, and why it’s so important to your garden.

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17 Drought Tolerant Annuals and Perennials

17 Drought Tolerant Plants – Annuals and Perennials

17 Drought Tolerant Annuals and Perennials

Would you like to plant perennials or annuals that are drought tolerant?

Are you having a hard time keeping your plants alive during droughts?

A lot of work goes in to planting, growing, caring and watering your garden. It can be extremely frustrating when all that hard work goes to waste because of the summer heat.

Today, we would like to share with you 17 different plants that are drought tolerant. What that means is that plants on this list thrive on little care and don’t mind the hot temperatures.

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How to Start a Garden – Gardening 101

How to Start a Garden - Gardening 101

Have you always dreamed of growing your own garden?

Would you love to have fresh fruits and vegetables from your own garden?

Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes. ~ Author Unknown

If you have ever considered starting a garden, then this article is for you. Today, we are sharing our best tips and tricks for gardening from creating an actual place to garden, to knowing which vegetables to start with, to how to harvest.

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