Deep Root Watering & Tree Care Blog

Spring flowers

Top 25 Earliest Blooming Spring Flowers, Shrubs & Trees

Early spring flowers - crocus

I don’t know about you, but with some of the warmer temperatures we’ve been having in Michigan, I’m starting to get impatient for spring to come! It can be hard, in these first few weeks of spring, to believe it is really coming.

Everything is brown and dull, and we’re still getting fits of snow here and there. It may be days, or it may be weeks before the tree buds start to open, and the grass begins to turn green.

But you know what? I saw some of my first spring flowers starting to poke their green heads out of the ground the other day. These indispensable beauties can’t be daunted.

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Parents teaching kids gardening

Practical Budget-Friendly Tips to Teach Kids Gardening

Parents teach kids gardening

There are many benefits to getting your kids, grandkids, or any kids you know to go outside and garden. The younger your kids are when you start, the more chance they have to enjoy gardening all their lives. However, if you have older kids, it’s not too late!

Often, a love of gardening starts with a love of good food or interest in learning how to cook. There are so many books and shows out there about good food.

Take some time to watch or read something with your kids and then talk about how you could incorporate it into your lives together!

In this article, we will cover how to move forward with creating a garden you can practically enjoy with your kids without spending hours and hours or very much money. It can be done!

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How To Get Your Kids Gardening: Creating Excitement

Kids gardening

Maybe you’re one of those rare parents or grandparents whose kids are already excited about being outdoors, digging in the dirt, and doing manual labor instead of playing video games or texting their friends. If so, you probably don’t need this guide.

However, did you know that an increasing number of children, especially in urban areas, don’t know how milk or eggs are produced, or where they come from?

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Top gardening articles 2018

Top 20 Gardening Articles of 2018

Top gardening articles 2018

Rootwell Products, Inc. is a company that is passionate about keeping the world green – wherever green things are growing. We want everyone to feel successful at growing green things in their homes, yards, fields, balconies or community gardens.

And we know this takes practice and a lot of expert advice. We strive to bring a variety of topics to you to help you to grow more green things successfully and to be informed about what’s going on with our earth.

Every New Year we round up the 20 most popular articles from the previous year according to Google Analytics. It’s fun to see what our readers liked most! It also helps us to know which articles were most exciting and helpful to you – our valued readers.

You know what else helps? Your comments and suggestions! We appreciate them all.

We hope this list also helps you find more topics you haven’t read about in one handy location. So, without further adieu:

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The Mysterious Mistletoe: From Folklore to Cancer Treatment


What is the deal with mistletoe? Why is it hung in a ball shape and why do people kiss underneath it?

I have to admit, I loved the idea of getting caught under this mysterious plant as a young person with someone I wanted very much to kiss. However, I never questioned the logic or lore of this practice.

It turns out mistletoe has not only an interesting place among world legends but also some exciting properties and an important ecological function!

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Christmas cactus

Top 24 Low-Maintenance Plants to Give as Holiday Gifts

Christmas cactus example of low-maintenace plants

Christmas cactus

Do you want to go green this holiday, literally? Avoiding all the expensive consumer goods and cheap, mass-produced decorations is a great way to cut down on the waste your holiday will produce.

However, what do you give to family and friends that will make a significant impact, have a lasting effect on their lives, and not break the bank?


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Field of lavender

How to Grow Lavender Anywhere – Gardening Tips

How to grow lavender tips

Don’t you love the smell of lavender? There’s nothing better than a natural lavender scent to freshen clothing and linens or to invite a sense of relaxation into a room.

Almost better than the smell of fresh lavender is the sight of the bright purple herb dancing in the sunlight or bunched together and drying in someone’s cozy kitchen.

Did you know there are many uses for lavender, beyond sachets and bath salts?

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