
Top gardening articles 2018

Top 20 Gardening Articles of 2017

Top gardening articles

Here at Rootwell Products, Inc., we want you to be a gardening success. We know that a green thumb isn’t something you’re born with. You need advice from the pros and you need lots of practice.

To that end, we try to supply you with tips every week on a range of gardening topics. Every New Year, we post a roundup of the top 20 articles from the previous year. We like to keep tabs on what you are most interested in.

So take a peek at this year’s list and see if any of your favorites are there.

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Tulip Festival in Istanbul, Turkey

Tulip Festivals Around The World: Where To See The Best Displays

Tulip festivals Istanbul, Turkey

Have you ever been to a tulip festival? Have you ever looked over a sea of bright, bobbing heads in blocks of colors drenched in spring sunshine?

Tulips are one of the most popular flowers in America and other northern countries – where they are among the first flowers to hale the welcome signs of warmer weather coming. Ever since the Dutch made an art form out of tulip plantings, tulips have been popular wherever there are strong Dutch roots.

But do you know tulips actually come from the Middle East?

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Flowering turmeric plant

Turmeric: Easy To Grow and Reap the Amazing Benefits

Turmeric plant with flower

You may have heard about turmeric as a tea, a spice to add to curry dishes or even a natural dye for Easter eggs or fabric. You might also have heard of turmeric’s active ingredient curcumin, which has been successfully used to treat all kinds of illnesses including cancer. I’m here to tell you, turmeric has been used to do all of these things and much more.

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Cherry blossom festivals

A Tale of Two Cherry Blossom Festivals: Tokyo and Washington D.C.

Cherry blossom

Have you ever been to a cherry blossom festival?

Have you ever wandered around an orchard in early spring when the trees were blossoming?

Just one bright pink and delicately fragrant tree on a property is enough to entice even the most industrious worker to stop and laze around under the veil of pink or white blooms. This is especially true when you know how fleeting it is.

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2017 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 – What Parents Need to Know

2017 Dirty Dozen list - strawberries

More and more Americans want their food to be free of synthetic chemicals. Pesticides have been linked to cancer, decreased cognitive function, and behavior problems in children. In addition, children and infants are more vulnerable to the impact of pesticides.

Thankfully, the EWG’s Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce conducts a study each year to help parents make informed choices for themselves and children’s food. This study helps parents make informed, researched based, decisions when it comes to their produce shopping.

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Central Park in NYC designed by Frederick Law Olmsted

Frederick Law Olmsted: Father of Modern Landscape Architecture

Central Park in NYC designed by Frederick Law Olmsted

Have you ever been to Central Park in New York City? Golden Gate Park in San Francisco? America’s Capitol grounds? Detroit’s Belle Isle? The Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC?

If you’ve been to any of these places, you’ve seen landscape architecture at its finest. All of these places were planned by Frederick Law Olmsted, the man who arguably fathered landscape architecture in this country. It is likely many of the most memorable green spaces you’ve been to were planned by him, one of his sons, or one of the many landscape architects influenced by him.

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Top gardening articles 2016

Top 20 Gardening Articles from 2016

Top gardening articles

One of our goals at Rootwell Products, Inc. is to provide you with gardening tips to help you be successful at gardening. Once a year, we publish a roundup of the most popular gardening articles from the previous year. We love to see what our visitors are reading. This lets us know what strikes a chord with our readers and how we can do more of it. We appreciate you!

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