Deep Root Watering & Tree Care Blog

How to Grow Daffodils With Ease


When should I plant daffodil bulbs?

Are daffodils easy to grow?

Welcome back to Beginner Gardening Wednesday. This month during our weekly series for beginner gardeners, we are publishing articles about easy to grow perennials.

Perennials are one of our favorites as gardeners because these flowers come back year after year. The bottom line is that perennials are a great return on investment.

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April Gardening Tips for the Pacific Northwest

April Gardening Tips

Are you unsure where to get started in your backyard?

Are you ready to take on the garden?

The days are growing longer and the grass is looking greener. Both are signs that it is time to get dirt under our fingernails as we work the ground outside.

Whether you are looking for what to do for your landscape or wondering if you can start planting vegetables, this list has some fantastic gardening tips for our Pacific Northwestern neighbors.

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How to Grow the Perennial Sage for Beginners

Blue Salvia (salvia farinacea)

Blue Salvia (salvia farinacea)

Are you looking for an easy to grow perennial?

Welcome to Beginner Gardening Wednesday. Beginner Gardening Wednesday is our weekly series that we have been publishing for over 8 months now. Every Wednesday, we make it our goal to provide our beginner gardeners with tips and tricks that will turn their thumb green.

This month, we are focusing on a particular group, perennials. All month long on Wednesdays, you can find easy to grow perennials that are sure to make your neighbors envious.

Today, we are sharing about perennial sage.

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3 Questions You Will Want to Ask Yourself before Planting this Spring

3 Questions You Will Want to Ask Yourself before Planting this Spring

“Some years are more challenging or fruitful than others and sometimes the harshest seasons are the best teachers”.
~ Lorene Edwards Forkner

This past season is already turning out to be one of those “harshest seasons”. The winter was long and cold. The spring season is a welcomed relief with warmer temperatures. Instead of snow, it is raining and even in some areas of the country, people are starting to see green.

With spring planting getting underway, we wanted to share with you 3 questions to ask yourself before you start planting. These questions will help to address your plants, trees and shrubs not only their chances of survival, but their best chance to grow and produce something amazing.

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How to Divide Perennials the Easy Way

How to divide perennials

Are dividing perennials on your spring to-do list?

Do you know what the best method is to divide perennials?

As soon as the weather gets warmer and it has finally started to feel like spring, you may find dividing your perennials on your spring to-do list. Dividing your perennials is a really great way of saving money and keeping your perennials looking amazing.

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March Northeast Gardening Tips

March Gardening Tips for the Northeast

Are you ready for spring?

Would you like to head out into your garden today?

Spring officially started last week, however, many of us Northeasterners still feel like its winter. Many areas still have a blanket of snow covering yards and flower beds.

March is the month where it is finally time to head out into the garden and yard. With so much to do outside, it can be difficult to know where to start. We have put the following March gardening tips to help you on your way.

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12 Frost Tolerant Vegetables to Plant in Early Spring

Cold season vegetables

Ready to get out into the garden this weekend?

Yesterday marked the first day of spring and we are excited to share with you our list of 12 frost tolerant vegetables that you may be able to start planting this weekend.

From Georgia to Michigan to Texas and the Northwest, this winter has been colder and longer than others. The good news is that it is officially spring and it’s time to get out into our gardens.

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